UL standards contain a wide variety of required markings. Most manufacturers are anxious to know what markings must be on their product. However, less thought typically goes into determining how the markings are applied to the product. This can be a costly oversight. Permanent markings are often assumed during product development, leading to unexpected non-compliance issues and sourcing problems.
- Labeling Requirements: Most UL standards require product labels that transmit required markings to be UL Recognized Component (PGDQ2) Marking & Labeling Systems. Extra emphasis on “systems”. PGDQ2 Systems are complete approved label systems = adhesive, label material, ink, over-laminate, printing process, and any other element of the complete label system including suitable model/type of printers. This certification insures that all aspects of the label meet the required level of permanency = adhesive to surface, adhesive to label material, ink to label, over-laminate to label.
- Common Mistake: Recognized Component (PGGU2) Marking & Labeling System Materials are not acceptable. Extra emphasis on “materials”. This certification covers only label materials as components = for use as elements of a label system that is then evaluated as an approved system (see #1 above). For example, the label material by itself would be in this category. Label system manufacturers assemble Recognized Component Materials and have them certified as complete label systems (#1 above) that are then used by end product manufacturers.
- Other Considerations: Certified label systems are provided with application ratings that must be considered. This includes specification of the materials to which the label is suitable for adherence, temperature limits, wet use suitability, and surface texture considerations. UL certified labeling systems are assumed to be used on a smooth, flat, rigid surface unless otherwise specified in the UL Conditions of Acceptability (CofA’s) for the labeling system. Always check the UL CofA’s to know what is and is not included in the label certification and whether you have an approved “system” or just approved “materials”.